
Monday, January 12, 2009

Wutts Up?

Perhaps I have taken the whole, "What rhymes with wutt" thing a bit too far. Oh well. I still think it's funny. But, (hahahahahaha, I said but) we are still trying to figure out what's up with the wutt.

Since my first attempt at poking fun at the glutius maximus, which I would refer to as the GM if I didn't think I would get sued by a financially strapped American company or have people confuse it with BM...that's right, don't make me go there...I will.

It has probably the longest two weeks of my life. Not only was it the post-apocolyptic holiday season (which as we all know, drains the wallet and the mind), but it was back to school season and apparently the displacement of the wutt season (AGAIN, I HATE IT WHEN I DON'T GET THE MEMO).

Anyhoo, after the all exciting diagnosis on the Monday following the very anti-climactic injury, we had a really rough couple of days. After having her 'wutt' popped into place, the nerves were released and the pain got really fun. After a couple of days, things really calmed down and Baylee started feeling more confident that it was okay to walk without severe pain. In fact she was doing well enough to take part in the all important New Years Eve party at Grandmas with all of the grandkids. Quick shout out to the grandma..YAY Grandma.

We had a very enjoyable few days, until....Aw come on, did you really think that I would post ANYTHING that didn't have an 'UNTIL'. You should know me better than that by now. Baylee sat down on Saturday, and couldn't get back up. We managed through the weekend until we could get to the doctors, again, on Monday. After a good visit, he still believed that what we are dealing with is an injury to the sacroiliac. If you say that really fast five times...nothing happens. So we got ready to start physical therapy on Tuesday.

Physical therapy was awesome and she really loves that therapy ends with a dip in the 90 degree pool. She felt so good she was able to go to school for a couple of hours. We took it slow on Wednesday and managed to get in a few more hours. Thursday it was all just a little bit much for her. Friday we did PT again. And again...the heated pool was the highlight. Although as we were walking out, we were hit like a boulder with the news that the physical therapist was out of network for our insurance. GGGRRRREEEEAAAATTTT.

So after spending oodles of time on Friday with the insurance company, we found a new physical therapist that would be able to offer the same types of therapy and be In-network. YAY. I needed something good to happen. And a quick little side note: I have never in my life talked to a kinder, compassionate customer service rep in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. She didn't make me call around. I just had to sit on hold and listen to elevator music while she called therapists for me. Whoever you are...thank you. Thank you for being a good person, thank you for doing a great job and thank you for caring about my little girls health enough to be involved.

Okay...sappy moment over...moving on. Friday night, we went for Taco Night...a tradition started many moons ago. We had an enjoyable dinner listening to the children bicker and fight over their chips and salsa, while we sat at the same table with them and pretended we had no idea who these vagrants were that we picked up on a corner with no manners.

Savannah has desperately wanted to see Twilight for some time. I have had the books forever, and still haven't read them. I am a major dork and won't see movies that are based on books until I have read the book. For the most part, I don't believe that Hollywood can do the written word justice. So Felix took the rest of us home and had a splendid Daddy, daughter date with Savannah. She has very much deserved some extra attention for all of the help she has been to me lately. I am proud of the young woman she is becoming, and would like to offer a special thanks to all of those who have managed to undo all the things I have done wrong.

As Baylee, Caleb and I were lounging on the couch, Baylee turned to look at me and screamed. She started screaming about how she felt something move. I tried to find out what was wrong and couldn't. It was that exact moment though, that she could no longer walk. We gave her pain meds and put her in bed, hoping that Saturday would bring renewed strength and ability.

For whatever reason, Baylee still could not walk or stand for more than a few seconds at a time. She was in incredible pain and if it is possible, more pale than the whitest white. Now, it is not all doom and gloom. Of course, it seemed like it at the time, but in reality, it is when you are in the darkest hour, that you see all of the angels that surround you. Our kind Bishop came over and put to good use his chiropractic trade. He checked her out and made some loud 'POPS' and gave Baylee some much needed relief. It wasn't enough to allow her to walk, but the pinched look of pain was gone...for a while. At that moment, i realized how difficult it all was for me and tears started running down my face. And sweet Savannah came over and held my hand. It was nice to know that some of the angels I was blessed to be around, would be with me forever.

By five o'clock on Saturday, I could no longer take it. She had been in significant pain for long enough, and just sitting and crying. My heart was so full...of sorry, and sadness and pain for my little girl. I finally decided to take her into the afterhours clinic and see if we couldn't get her pain under control until we could see our regular doctor on Monday. Savannah came with me, to help open and close doors, you know, all the stuff that you actually need hands for.

After a long, excrutiating visit, we found out that not only was Baylee fighting the pain of her injury, but she had an infection that was also causing significant pain. Well of course she was. DUH...what was I thinking?

We headed to get the drugs and head home, because I was a pulp. And the pharmacy was a stinking nightmare. When you have a pharmacist and 4 techs, is it really supposed to take over an hour when there are 10 people in line. Maybe my clock is wrong...but I don't know.

We made it home, gorged on pizza, and went to bed. It was very Night Before Christmas-y. Everyone was all snuggled in their beds...except for me and Baylee...who I held in my arms until 1 in the morning until the pain was controlled enough for her to sleep. We managed to make it through the night, but the poor baby was in no better shape than the night before. But for whatever reason, things didn't seem so scary on Sunday. The peace we needed was there. Thank goodness.

After a long Sunday, we headed to bed, and I really hoped for sleep. And the sleep came. YAY. I don't know how it works for other people, but when I get sleep after non sleeping for a long time, I am even more tired. I hate that part.

We got a morning appointment with the doctor and I tried to get all necessary people to school. Sadly, Savannah was buckling under the pressure and woke up with a wicked head cold. So she and Caleb got to head to grandmas, while Baylee and I headed to our favorite recreational spot...the doctors.

We got to have a long conversation with the doctor and believe that we may be dealing with Autonomic Dysfunction. Yes, we do have to deal with the most random of illnesses. That's how we roll. Autonomic Dysfunction can happen to people with chronic illness, like Arthritis, Severs Disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disorder, Uveitis, Iritis, Migraines, and so on...all that Baylee has. Short, short version...her brain has been put in high gear and is over-interpreting the things that her body is feeling. Like Cold=Pain, Heat=Pain. Sensations are being misinterpreted. The pain is absolutely real, because the brain is sending out pain signals...but it is sending them out for everything...not just the pain part. Can you believe that was the short, short version? I neither. But to be sure, we did another round of x-rays...that came out normal. So the next step is that we need to decide what the long term care plan is. And, she was still recovering from the injury. Yes, the injury really did also, just happened to be the catalyst to this round of fun.

I have been very fortunate to have been blessed with doctors for Baylee that communicate with me and with each other. No one is ever left out of the loop. As of right now. The doctors are deciding which medications will help her brain slow down so we can reteach it how to send and receive information.

And you know what, I am okay with that. My life has taught me that I am going to have to learn the patience thing over and over and over again until I get it right. But while I am learning that lesson, I think I have at least learned how to roll with whatever comes my way. Whatever ever the challenge, whatever the task, I can do it. As long as I have my family and my Heavenly Father, I'll make it. It doesn't mean I won't stumble, but at least there will be somebody there to help me back up and brush off my knees and encourage me to go on.

Lessons Learned
1. I really am impatient...thank goodness I have a lifetime to get it right.
2. My kids...all of them...are strong in ways I can only imagine.
3. I have been very blessed in this life...I am starting to realize that maybe the OY in Joy isn't as big as it feels sometimes.
4. Nothing, absolutely impossible. There is always a way.
5. While my insides are really a lump of mushy, crying goo...there might be some Intestinal Fortitude (IF) hiding in there too.


jill peters hawley said...

how awful. i wish there was something i could do! poor baylee. please give her a big hug from each of us...that would be 5 hugs.
hope all gets better soon :) we are thinking about you guys!

Lisa said...


Just know that if there is anything you need, please ask. We love you guys!

I don't know what else to say....just know that I'm praying for you.