
Monday, January 19, 2009

Random Thought of the Day

How come it is so much easier to gain weight than to lose weight?

Thoughts Provoked
1. Don't start...I had to break up with my refridgerator today.
2. My pantry is in hiding because it can't handle rejection.
3. My stomach has decided it likes all of its extra fat cell friends and has lodged a complaint.
4. My chin(s) are getting ready to picket.
5. My glutius maximus has taken its name very seriously...VERY seriously.


Megan said...

OK you are so funny! My answer is because food tastes so much better when you feel guilty about eating it. If you could eat what you want and not gain a pound, would it really taste as wonderful and seem so appealing? Food for thought huh! LOL : )

Christy said...

Great, so as I'm reading this, I'm finishing up my shake from JCW's that could be a meal in and of itself, but I did have a burger & fries too. oops. :) Tomorrow is another day, I have not yet begun to fight . . . (we'll see)

Lore said...

When you lose weight karma comes back and bites you in the gluteus maximus. I went on the divorce diet lost 30 lbs, got pregnant and gained 30 lbs… can’t win here! The fats cells made a pact to stay together!

Heidi said...

I too am in the middle of a very terrible break up! Good bye chocolate. I will really REALLY miss you.