
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random Thought of the Day

Is it possible to gauge how sick you are by how much sicker than you everyone in your house is?

Thoughts Provoked
1. Do I really need to explain?
2. If you have the answer....please call me.
3. Does the same rule apply for injuries?
4. I think someone forgot to put on her Wonder Woman cuffs today....
5. Do superheroes really need friends, or are their alter egos enough company?


Christy said...

No. Because everyone else in the house whines more than you, even if they are not sicker than you.

Is an alter-ego the same as an imaginary friend? If so, I may have one.

Megan said...

It will never matter how sick the mom is! You already knew that though right?? I have realized that my sickness, illness, disease..whatever will never add up to what anyone else in my house is dealing with. I am just the mom! LOL
Oh and you can come and visit my dogs anytime...they always think anyone who comes over is coming for them anyways!