
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hope of America

This was the first year that we went to Hope of America. It was absolutely wonderful. Savannah was so excited that she drove us nuts trying to get us to the car to be there on time. The sad thing is we were so freaked out by her getting us in the car, I forgot the camera. Yes, that would be #218 on why I will never be mother of the year sigh.

I thought the show was appropriately titled, especially given the current climate in our nation. I have been so dejected lately, wondering if as a country we will ever be able to heal some of these wounds. After watching last night, I had hope for the first time in a long time. So I thought I would share some of my hopeful thoughts.

1. I have hope (and faith) that our children, provided we do our jobs as parents, have been blessed with the necessary strength to rectify the hurt in this country and more importantly world.

2. I have hope (and faith) that as Americans we can once again show the world that independence, hard work and diligence will allow us to weather any storm and be stronger for the trial. [I was particularly struck by this as we were singing the Star Spangled Banner. Especially at the part 'And our flag was still there'. Regardless of trial...we will still be there.]

3. I have hope (and faith) that God works in mysterious and miraculous ways and will continue to do so, especially when we turn to Him.

4. I have hope (and faith) that we will all be able to dream and overcome adversity as long as we USE the rights and freedoms we have been blessed with. The right to free speech means nothing if you won't talk.

5. I have hope (and faith) that it will get better.

So there's m'thoughts. I was so filled with love of this nation, especially those who serve and protect. And will continue to pray daily for those who have sacrificed so much. I will continue to ask for continued blessing upon the leaders in the nation and world, that they will be guided to protect us and allow us to remain free.

Lessons Learned

1. Even though I have always believed these things, this was one of those times that I was very humbled by how fortunate I am...especially now.
2. I am filled with gratitude that I am able to ramble and spout...many others are not so lucky.
3. I am proud of Savannah, because along with the songs, I believe she has developed a sense of reverence regarding what living in America means.
4. I am grateful for people who work so hard to enforce the principles and values this country was founded on.
5. I need to remember to offer at least as much gratitude as help I ask for...otherwise it all doesn't mean a thing.

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