
Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Thought of the Day

Who put hair gel on the cats tail and spiked it?

Thoughts Provoked
1. Do I not have enough to do? Do I really have to bathe the cat, again?
2. Why do my children have to be so dang creative with their mischief?
3. Does hair gel taste as bad to cats as it does to people? And yes, I know you have tasted either hairspray or gel...maybe not on purpose, but you still have.
4. Is it kitty cat torture or an act of love to do your cats hair?
5. This one falls in the same random category as the bowling pin in the fridge.....(sigh).

1 comment:

Megan said...

My question is how did you get it out of the cat's tail? Fun times. : )