
Monday, February 9, 2009

Bowling for....

Really, I can't be the only one. Can I?

What does it say about the vibe of your house when you go to put the yogurt in the fridge, and when you open the door...a bowling pin? Yup. That's it. Just wanted to share.

Thoughts Provoked
1. I consider this a random thought of the day...because once you find a bowling pin in your refrigerator, it spawns ALL sorts of Random Thoughts.
2.Do bowling pins make the rest of your food taste like bowling pins, you know, like onions...
3. Does it mean I am okay with my break up with my fridge if I am using it for things other than food?
4. Is that circus music I hear in the background?
5. If I take it out the bowling pin and hide it, does that mean I won the game?


Megan said...

That's so funny! It does make you wonder!!

Christy said...

ooohh, and does that make up for me finding milk in my pantry? not today, but a few months ago? Or are our kids out to get us by making us think that we are crazy?? hummmm