
Saturday, May 8, 2010

That's so Corny

So Noah has recently been diagnosed with a myriad of food allergies.  It can't be eggplant can it?  Oh has to be big and dramatic and frustrating.

Here's the list:

Bell Peppers

Really?  Oh yeah, baby, really.  So being the mom that I am, I have tried to do this right along with him.  We have purchased Feast without Yeast and The Corn Free Diet and Survival Guide because I decided those would be the two that were the hardest.  And I was right.

Did you know that there is corn starch in EVERYTHING.  For example:  Pre-shredded cheese...we wouldn't want to clump now, would we?  How 'bout a dryer sheet, yes a dryer sheet.  Then there is the lotions, toilet paper, most paper products.  And of course how could we forget our friend, High Fructose corn syrup...everything.  I'm thinking we may have to get NG tubes for feeding, but the mix probably has corn in it.

After the first week of shock that I am going to have to actually learn how to cook, I am trying to see this as a blessing in disguise.  Keyword: trying.

We don't need to put all of this garbage into our systems.  The yeast part...well, I'm still pretty frustrated about the yeast part...that is another rant for a different day.  The focus right now is trying to rid the house of as much corn and corn by products as possible.  The big stuff: boom, problem.  But now I get to call the manufacturers of basics like toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, etc...why?  The majority of products out there have corn in them.  sigh. 

I used to really like corn.  Now, I think it's Satans vegetable.

Lessons Learned
1. Cookbooks come in handy.
2. So does Amazon.
3. Noah is infinitely more patient than I am when it comes to food.
4. As a wise friend said, "It's okay to grieve the loss of food."
5. Why do RICE chex have CORN in them?


The Ridgeways said...

oh, I am so sorry! Such a life change and so difficult! I have many food allergies myself and feel your pain. Costco is great at knowing what is in their products by the way and they try really hard to have detailed lists. It has been helpful. I know there are many online allergy groups for parents you might consider joining for even more tips and support.

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