
Wednesday, February 3, 2010


January was quite a month! In some ways I am so grateful it's other ways I realize what an incredibly inspiring journey it was. So I guess I'll tackle the highlights and see where it leads...and with me, we could end up just about anywhere.

Hell on Earth
I can't think of anyone who isn't aware of Haiti and the devastation and destruction. But when I found out through friends that someone Felix and my mom used to work with had been trying to adopt children and that their world was now in utter chaos, I became an avid reader of their blog. Even though the situation was technical 'arms length', I learned.

I learned that humanity is NOT dead. That there are so many people who are willing to open their hearts, arms and souls to help others. Like the pilot that wouldn't leave without the babies. Like the Rosenlofs who wouldn't give up. Like the workers in the orphanage who stayed with those babies during the chaos of the moments. Like the coordinators in the international adoption agencies who put their lives on hold to save the children. Like the shelters in Florida that opened their doors to the children and families once they arrived. This list could go on and on...and probably should.

Most of all, I learned (again) how humbling it is to witness miracles and the hand of God in every day life. He can move mountains. He has and will again.

My baby brother, the final sibling got hitched! Talk about modern day miracles! What a blessing it is to watch true love meet and blossom (okay, more like explode). How beautiful to witness two people, find out how wonderful they are as people, but how perfect they are together.

Stacy, we love you! And are SO happy to have you as a member of the family! P.S. Thanks for making my brother a 'people' again! I forgot how much fun he is!

I hate the political climate. I do. You don't have to agree. It's called freedom. I have lots of strong opinions and would really love to push them on people. I am going to try and not push them on people, but I am going to exercise my freedom and tell ya what they are. You can exercise your freedom and not listen. Really, I'm good with that.

So here they are:
1. The State of the Union ticked me off so bad, I couldn't watch it in it's entirety. Why? Because regardless of what the president says, and how good things are in Washington, D.C. (the only place in the nation unemployment is actually going DOWN), every where else it sucks. And sir, it's been a year...stop blaming your predescesor. Freakin' get over it, stop taking my money and freedom. I know there are stalwart socialists who think you are deity, but I'm not one of 'em. Yeah, give me back my change...

2. I hate politicians. I know that is a pretty generic statement, however, in most parts of the nation bribery is a crime. Not on capital hill. get bought off to get yourself or your constituents (read: yourself) gain. It's time to get the politicians out of Washington and put people back in. Idon't want to be represented by career politicians. They only know how to relate to other politicians. I want my representation to be people...a lot like the people who founded this nation. They came from professional diversity, geographic diversity all because they had one common belief. Just one. Freedom.

3. Political Party Affiliation sucks too. I have decided I am no longer a Democrat or a Republican. I'm not an Independent or a Tea Partier. I not in the Green Party, Communist Party or any other party. For the sake of my voter registration, I am keeping things 'as is'.

So what do I believe? Well, I am a conservative. But that doesn't mean I am closed minded. I believe in the freedom to choose. If you don't like it, CHOOSE not to participate, but don't take away my freedom to CHOOSE to participate. I believe in tolerance...from every body...not just those who think that the rest of us need to tolerate them.

I know I am goin' around the block to get to the house next door. So here goes: I believe in the founding principles of this nation. I believe in the freedom of religion, speech and every thing else in the constitution. I believe in the separation of church and state (and by the way, that actually means the government will NOT impose and state backed church on the people...if you don't believe me, look it up). I believe this nation was founded under Christian principles with divine guidance. I also believe, you have the right to disagree.

Okay, tirade over.

Funny Ha Ha!
I think one of the best things I have gotten out of the month of January is my smile. I forgot how fun and funny my kids are.

Caleb is constantly focusing, positioning, aggravating, contemplating...all words that HE uses to me to tell me what is going on in his life. He is also not afraid to tell me I have a big butt. It's okay, after the original offense, I realized he was right and told him he was just jealous because he didn't.

Savannah is traversing into being a young woman, and Felix is totally fighting her every step of the way. You want to see something the two of them duke it out about whether or not she is allowed to talk to boys through IM. No really.

Baylee is (as usual) walking the fine line of pushing her siblings to the extreme, me to the extreme and quite frankly the rest of the world to the extreme. Watching an 8 year with something to prove is really entertaining...frustrating for the mommy...but entertaining.

And there is Noah. Trying to figure out how to get on Mythbusters, blow stuff up with purpose and redesign the entire universe. And yes, he does believe Pluto is still a planet...and he agrees with me. What kind of ego does someone have to have in order to tell a planet it can't be a planet anymore?

So here are Felix and I, watching the chaos that constantly churns around us. Trying hard not to screw anyone or anything up too badly. At least I get to enjoy this journey with my best friend.

Lessons Learned
1. Being me is not as difficult as I make it sometimes.
2. Regardless of the storm, I can still dance.
3. I am amazed at the people around me, that really (really, really) make me want to be a better person.
4. I am lucky to be surrounded by a family that enjoys laughing as much as I do.
5. As much I hate politics and all of the other crap, at least my freedoms are intact enough to let me go off like this.

Peace out!

1 comment:

Lore said...

Wendy want to start our own political party- we have the same views and goals in life... Let's call it the mom party, I am sure you can think of something to work with that!