
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Your Other Right

So like, we are at Walmart checking out at the self-checkout (by the way that is a whole 'nother story) waiting for the self-checkout Nazi to come and fix it AGAIN when Felix sees someone we know.

He says, "Hey, Larry is over to your right, I'm going to go and say hi!"

So I crane my neck to the left and managed to almost turn in a full circle looking for Larry, when in my dizzy-ing spin I am back to Felix and he says, "Ummmmmm, your other right."

Lessons Learned
1. Sadly, that really happened.
2. I didn't get it until I saw Felix again.
3. He was tempted to just let me spin in circles.
4. Can't say that I blame him.
5. You know what, I have a lot on my plate right now and the difference between left and right is NOT one of them.

1 comment:

Megan said...

If you want to make yourself feel better, just give me a call and I will tell you the 1,000,000 things I've done like that or worse lately. I am pretty sure I'm hangin' on by a thread right now. LOL When there's a lot on your plate there's no telling what you'll say or do! Come over and cry with me, seriously!!! I've been thinking about you!