
Monday, September 20, 2010

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,

I've had a long couple of days, weeks, months, okay, let's be honest here...years.  I'm am writing this letter in an open forum because, quite frankly, even if I emailed you, mailed you, twittered, texted or any other method of communication, I know it would be received by someone else, vetted and disappear into the circular file of oblivion.  Honestly, I need to get this out of my head so I can focus on more important things.

I've been watching.  Not just you, but everyone.  I was bitter after the election because I didn't believe in the type of change you've had to offer.  I realize that our nation has been on a downward spiral for years.  Unfortunately, it would appear that we have come to a time of decision, about who we were, who we are and who we are going to be.

Mr. President, I don't believe you are equipped to deal with the uncertainty sitting in your lap.  I don't blame you for the state of affairs that we are dealing with, but I do blame you for other things.

I blame you for apologizing to the world for our nation.  We aren't perfect, I readily admit that.  However, we have nothing to apologize for.  We have the right and obligation to uphold and protect the freedoms, liberties and rights set forth on this hallowed ground by individuals who shed blood and tears to give them to us.  We need remember who is against us and treat them accordingly.

I blame you for slowly, yet deliberately, increasing the size of government.  The more of YOU there are, the less there are of ME.  I don't want more legislation.  I want the laws on the books to be enforced.  It doesn't take more government to do that, but a more efficient government.  Stop hiring individuals who don't pay they're own taxes to regulate mine.  Stop supporting individuals who don't even read the bills they are shoving down our throats. 

I blame you for over-regulation.  Do we really need Government Motors?  Do we really need a new czar for every aspect of our lives?  I don't need a new Consumer Affairs person, as a consumer and a citizen of this nation, I need to be responsible for my own choices.  I need to deal with the consequences, or I will not learn.   Let us choose.  Let the market solve its' own problems....look at history, it has done it before and WILL do it again.  Stop encouraging the bad behavior of corporate America through bailouts and funding that will never solve the problem, only encourage more of the same. 

I blame you for keeping me up at night worrying about healthcare for my family.  I believe that everybody should have basic care.  I don't believe that my family should suffer for it.  I have a chronically ill child, and I lay awake at night worrying about how I am going to pay for my own insurance after I am done paying for everyone else's.  Middle class America is footing the bill on this one.  The GAO has even publically come out with their findings that it won't be a self-sufficient as touted.  Mr. President, how am I going to take care of MY child?

I blame you for spending more time on TV than any other sitting President.  I would have more confidence in the job you are doing, if you weren't constantly on TV telling me what you were doing INSTEAD of doing it. 

I blame you for talking out of both sides of your mouth.  I wish I could believe you.  I really do.  Unfortunately, I can't.  The economy is not improving, your stimulus hasn't worked.  My grandchildren will be paying for that, literally.  It is hard for me to have faith in someone that only gives interviews to networks that support his agenda.  Wouldn't it speak more highly of your integrity if you talked to everyone, including those who disagree?  Help me understand what you are trying to accomplish, instead of telling me that you know what is best for me and you are going to make it happen.

I blame you for lots of things.  But to be fair, I blame your predecessors for lots of things too.  I don't believe that you are solely responsible for what is going on in this country, but I do believe that you have the power to make things better. 

I want you to do well, and you can, if you choose to.  I beg of you to stop regulating my life and the lives of everyone in this nation.  We could be so much stronger if we were to band together and help those who CAN'T, instead of encouraging and empowing those who WON'T.  Let us learn from our mistakes, instead of having them swept under the rug and taken care of by someone else.  I WANT TO LEARN.  I NEED TO LEARN. 

Our nation was founded on freedom and responsibility.  Part of responsibility is dealing with the consequences of our choices, good or bad.  If you take away our responsibility, our freedom will go with it.  Don't take away what I am fighting for.  Please.

1 comment:

steve anderson said...

Wow, that was spoken as if from 10's of millions of people!! I hope it makes to President Obama because nothing else seems to be getting through!