Life the past few months has been a little stressful. No, I won't be going into detail because I still don't have definitive answers....just more questions. So there is really no point in discussing that which is floating about.
Anyhoo, needless to say, I have been more than stressed and so has the fam. One of my favorite quotes is:
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
but about learning to dance in the rain.
So we stayed out and played for about an hour, kicking water at each other, catching raindrops in our mouths and giggling to our hearts content. Not only did we play, we danced, enjoyed and just let our hearts soar.
It's so easy to turn a blind eye to the miracles that surround us every day. Especially, when you are wrapped up in a stressful situation. But when you open your eyes, and your heart, you realize, God hasn't forgotten you, He's been sending the blessings, it's more likely you haven't been watching for them.
Yesterdays rain storm was my miracle.
Lessons Learned
1. Laughter cleanses the soul.
2. Watching children be happy...well sometimes there are no words.
3. Being a part of what makes your children happy...there are definitely no words.
4. Being surrounded by darkness, only makes the light that much more sweet.
5. Size doesn't matter when it comes to miracles.